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We usually run for things which are out of our control and end up creating a big mess. And trust me guys the beauty of love itself is so messy that you can never understand where are you heading up next. It is so inevitable and uncertain that we just need to go with the flow. Things change like the flip of a coin. But with the right partner beside, you are going to enjoy each and every delicacy upright. So, it’s vital to fall for the right person rather than some worldly perfect you ever met. Because when the right person steps in, you realize why it never worked with anyone else and how you really meant to be treated. And that’s when you feel the love in the air.

Recipe Of Love

“For the perfect cup of love, you need an adequate amount of faith, trust, patience, care, time and a bit of craziness and jealousy (works like a cube of sugar in tea, neither too low nor too high) mixed with a feeling I’ll be always there for you no matter what and hurrah!” you did a great job.

Just like tea, love also doesn’t trend. It’s evergreen. A perfect sip of happiness, serenity, and mood enhancer. You enjoy every flavor in each sip with the person you decide you want to be with.
So be careful, about what ingredients you want to add up and what not. Because with a variety of people comes a variety of tea, so the variety of definitions of perfection. “Everybody just loves to enjoy
their kind of perfection and not the one that world says is perfect .”

Embrace love when it feels right

You know it, you want someone to be your part when they resonate with you. They go crazy with your craziness, trust you and make you trust yourself when life goes wrong, moreover being there as strength and never lets you become dependent. They give you your personal space, which is meant to fill with trust and faith. When your imperfection seems perfect to them and they tell you,“You are not alone in this, we are together”. And the only thing they wish and demand is your success and growth while standing like a pillar to support.

Love is the pure, selfless, and best feeling ever when it’s true. Moreover, when you have fallen for the right person. Otherwise, it is going to be the worst nightmare. Even if chords of your heart strike the musical notes, just take time. If it is meant to be it will, if not, cheers you going to find someone soon. It doesn’t matter if you are the only one single in your group, those who are not single are not happy either as much as you are, except few.
It’s better to be alone rather than devastating yourself for someone who never vibe with you.

Also Read:

What is LOVE?

People say, “love is life…” But is it?

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